Books by Brights

The Man Who Figured Out God?

Book cover - The Man Who Figured Out God?

Author: John Fischer
ISBN-10: 1543971369
ISBN-13: 978-1-54397-136-1
To Purchase: To Purchase: paperback or Kindle at Amazon.


The goal of the Brights - to be accepted as "full participants in the cultural and political landscape, and not be culturally stifled or civically marginalized due to society's pervasive supernaturalism" - is admirable and, unfortunately...unachievable. Unachievable, that is, until that pervasive supernaturalism becomes a lot less pervasive. My book is a humble effort to move us along and, hopefully, much farther down the road to that end.

Written in the classic “Novel of Ideas” style, The Man Who Figured Out God? asks the question: “If there is” no God (and there isn't) what could possibly explain the continued tenacious belief in one (or more) across time, geography and cultures? If we knew we might be able to debunk it.

The surprising and uniquely novel answer to that question, and the intriguing journey of discovery that eventually led me to it - from Aristotle and Einstein to the ideas of the "Good" and the "True" to the inner workings of the human mind and a questioning of the belief in belief itself - are the subject and the story of The Man Who Figured Out God?


About the Author

After leaving seminary, disillusioned, John Fischer finished his education at Fordham University and has spent his career in broadcast journalism, including a stint as a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate. He currently lives with his wife in the Midwest and fills his spare time with reading, writing, gardening, walking and thinking.

John can be reached at

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