The Brights' Bulletin

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Issue #1

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E-mail announcement to Brights who signed up on paper before the website was launched.

Hello, all Brights!

The web site is up!  Its URL is:  

You are a pioneer in a growing movement. Thanks for your support. Please visit the site and get acquainted with what’s “up there” so you can tell others.

There are currently Brights in many US states, Canada, and England. For your interest, here is a “testimonial” from a fellow Bright:

“I attended the 2003 AAI convention and first learned of our new word, Bright.  I have already had the opportunity to identify myself as a Bright.  The two listeners began asking questions leading to my non-belief of the supernatural...  they said, "Ah, you believe more towards scientific evidence don't you?"  Then one finally said, "You don't believe in god do you?"  I simply said that's right, as a Bright, I do not believe in the supernatural, paranormal, myths and the like.  It was refreshing to see the two ladies actually listening rather than immediately writing me off the way it usually happened when I used the Atheist word.”

To promote the idea of Brights to others, we hope you will Email individuals that you feel would be open to being a Bright and provide them with the URL. This will help weave a broader net of Brights. Other promotional efforts are in the works.

There is a very fine “story” on the Bright movement currently posted at the “Atheist Attic” ( In addition to recommending that you read the story yourself, we would suggest that the “attic” URL might be an additional site to which you can direct your friends who are “likely to be Brights.” 

Cheerfully Brights,

Paul and Mynga

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The Brights' Bulletin

The Brights' Net
P.O. Box 163418
Sacramento, CA 95816 USA

To be counted as a Bright, please use the registration form.

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